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Class Rooms

Department of ECE has 9 Class Rooms each with seating capacity 70. Class room is equipped with blackboards and LCD projectors.


  • All 9 Labs of Department of ECE are equipped with CRO, Power Supply, Function Generator, Microwave integrated circuit kits, microwave benches, DPSK &QPSK kits, OFC kits, Power Electronics modules, FPGA kits, mcb 51 kits, 8086 kits, interfacing kits.
  • 133 Computers in ECE Department are with Internet facility.
  • Exclusive computer lab for M.Tech ECE students with 12 computers.
  • Labs are equipped with licensed softwares like Cadence Tool for 30 users, Labview for 15 users, matlab for 10 users & keil software 15 users.

Seminar Halls

Department has 1 Seminar Hall with seating capacity of 100 with all the necessary facilities. Departmental library reading room is with seating capacity of 10.


The third edition of "SILICONS" was held on May 4th, 2024, featuring competitions in four domains, VLSI Design, FPGA, Embedded Systems, and Photonics. Drawing participation from colleges nationwide, the event received a total of 62 innovative projects, with 58 projects selected for the final competition. This allocation emphasized the diverse range of innovations and technologies explored by participants in each specialized area of the expo.


IoT (Internet of Things) lab in a college plays a crucial role in equipping students with practical knowledge and hands-on experience in a rapidly growing field. Students gain hands-on exposure to IoT technologies, sensors, devices, and communication protocols, which cannot be learned through textbooks alone. IoT labs help students develop important technical skills such as hardware interfacing, programming, networking, and data analysis, all of which are essential for future careers in tech.
