About the Department
The Department of Chemistry at RNSIT was established in the year 2001 during the inception of the Institution.
The department is devoted to teaching undergraduate students.
The Department is well equipped with lab facilities to meet the curriculum of Engineering Chemistry.The department is a Research & Development Centre approved by VTU since 2008 and makes it ideal for faculty to engage in research and pursue a PhD degree.

To meet the core requirement of chemistry in the field of science and technology
- To impart fundamental knowledge and enhance advanced skills to students to meet global challenges.
- To address day to day needs through research and development activity for eco-friendly solutions.
- To take up research and consultancy work in collaboration with other institutions and universities.
HOD's Message
Our Latest Events

National Conference
On Recent Trends in Materials Chemistry and Engineering – RTMCE 2011, September 29-30, 2011.

Teaching Staff
Get In Touch
080 28611880/ 1/ 2, +91 90359 60355
RNS Institute of Technology,
Dr. Vishnuvardhan Road
R R Nagar Post
Bengaluru -560 098
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