AWS Cloud Foundation
- Security
- Reliability
- High Availability
- Elasticity
- Agility
- Pay-as-you go pricing
- Scalability
- Global Reach
- Economy of scale
- Shifting technical resources to revenue-generating activities as opposed to managing infrastructure
- operational expenses (OpEx)
- capital expenses (CapEx)
- labour costs associated with on-premises operations
- impact of software licensing costs when moving to the cloud
- Right-sized infrastructure
- Benefits of automation
- Reduce compliance scope (for example, reporting)
- Managed services (for example, RDS, ECS, EKS, DynamoDB)
- Design for failure
- Decouple components versus monolithic architecture
- Implement elasticity in the cloud versus on-premises
- Think parallel
- Elements of the Shared Responsibility Model
- Customer’s responsibly on AWS
- AWS responsibilities
- AWS Cloud security and compliance concepts
- Encryption on AWS for a given service
- Services that will aid in auditing and reporting
- Concept of least privileged access
- Purpose of User and Identity Management
- Different network security capabilities
- Documentation
- Component of aws trusted advisor
- Different ways of provisioning and operating in the AWS cloud
- Different types of cloud deployment models
- Connectivity options
- Relationships among Regions, Availability Zones and Edge Locations
- Multiple Availability Zones
- Multiple AWS Regions
- Categories of services on AWS (compute, storage, network, database)
- AWS compute services
- AWS storage services
- AWS networking services
- AWS database services
- Best practices, whitepapers, AWS Knowledge Center, forums, blogs
- Various levels and scope of AWS support
- Independent Software Vendors and System Integrators
- AWS Trusted Advisor
- Various pricing models for AWS
- On-Demand Instance pricing
- Reserved-Instance pricing
- Spot Instance pricing
- Consolidated billing
- Allocating costs
- Billing support and information
- Pricing information on aws services
- Cost allocation tags